Ray’s 2008 CBR1000RR Fireblade
Ray has replaced his old Fireblade with a spanking new 2008 Honda CBR1000RR Fireblade, lucky bugger!
Ray’s 2005 CBR1000RR Fireblade
Ray bought his CBR1000RR Fireblade in December 2005 after writing off his old Fireblade Accessories Baglux tank cover and tank bag Double bubble screen Rear hugger March 2008 Ray’s gone and bough himself a little present, a brand new 2008 CBR1000RR Fireblade
Ray’s 2002 CBR954RR Fireblade
Ray bought his Fireblade in 2002 and rode it all around the UK including some very long trips to France. The only modifications Ray did to his Blade was to fit a Givi rack and box. In August 2004 Ray forgot to go around a corner and decided to try Read more…
Hank’s CBR900RR Fireblade
In 2001 Hank decided he wanted something with a little more power and less weight so he replaced his Honda VFR800 with a CBR900RR Fireblade. Accessories Steering damper Performance air filter Scottoiler Rentec rear carrier Scorpion oval stainless end can.
Chinny’s CBR900RR Fireblade
In 2000 Chinny replaced his VFR with a brand new Honda CBR900 Fireblade, but after a year or so he wanted something that was a little more comfortable for all the distance he was travelling and so in 2001 he replaced his Fireblade with a Blackbird CBR1100XX Modifications: Fairing mushrooms Read more…