As most of us had now signed up to the British National Parks Ride we decided that we had better get started and went looking for our 1st point of the challenge.

We decided to meet up with Bonzo (Ray was still off the road after last week’s incident and Chinny was also not able to come out) at a new cafe located on the A40/A4137 called Jo’s Place where we had an excellent breakfast (Possibly a future RigsVille recommended breakfast cafe)
After having our usual fry-up we headed up the A4137 and then turned left onto the B4521 and followed this great road into Abergavenny where we picked up the A40 and then the A470 until we arrived at our 1st BNPR destination – The Brecon Beacons National Park visitor centre.
When we arrived the next task was to find somewhere we could get a photo of ours bikes showing both our rider number and the destination as proof that we had ridden here. We now spent over half an hour pushing our bikes around to different spots in the visitors centre and taking photo’s to make sure that we had evidence we required for the BNPR.
It was getting late in the day now and as Bonzo only lived a few miles away he decided to head home while me and Bob headed back home to the midlands but via the A438 to Hereford and then the A4103 to Worcester and finally a quick blast up the M5/M42
Grim Riders Web Site
Grim Riders British National Parks Ride 2009 Google Map